If there ever comes a day when we can't be together keep me in your heart, I'll stay there forever. -- Winnie the Pooh

Daniel, Sherry, Jonathon, Jacob, Seth and Abigail

“If ever there is tomorrow when we're not together.. there is something you must always remember. you are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think. But the most important thing is, even if we're apart.. I'll always be with you.” Winnie the Pooh

Wednesday, July 11, 2007


Ok, I have heard it all I believe. There is a guy behind me even as I write that is being loud(I am in the library). He came in LOUD and announced to everyone that he is mentally challanged, he is not kidding but I am wondering why he felt the need to advertise it. He has still not shut up!

1 comment:

tacomom said...

I think he bagged my groceries at Kroger yesterday :) Well, that guy wasn't necessarily loud but he didn't shut up the whole time he worked on my cart full.