If there ever comes a day when we can't be together keep me in your heart, I'll stay there forever. -- Winnie the Pooh

Daniel, Sherry, Jonathon, Jacob, Seth and Abigail

“If ever there is tomorrow when we're not together.. there is something you must always remember. you are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think. But the most important thing is, even if we're apart.. I'll always be with you.” Winnie the Pooh

Friday, October 12, 2007

In the mood for food!

I am really in the mood to cook! I need some help though...Sara, did you by any chance ever write down the stroganoff recipe that used to come on the bag of noodles? (that I fixed many moons ago) and also, does anyone know whether or not you can freeze whipping cream? I am NOT talking about cool whip. I am a little smarter than that! It is on sale right now and I want to get extra if it can be frozen. I am also planning to start my Thanksgiving meal shopping so if you have any great ideas for that I would love it. Thanksgiving is my absolute favorite time of the year and it doesn't bother me a bit if it is just us and I do it all! I LOVE LOVE LOVE IT! Also, are smaller turkeys better or does it matter?


Speedcat Hollydale said...

Mrs. Gates,

YES! You can freeze whipped cream in the freezer. It is very hard to spread on a desert, but you can freeze it!
I love the thanksgiving stuffing best. I think I could eat a whole plate of that :)

Thanks for stopping by. You are welcome anytime! Hope your weekend is fantastic.

Eric "Speedcat Hollydale"

Speedcat Hollydale said...

I added a link to you in my comment replies. Hope you don't mind :-)

tacomom said...

I wouldn't have a clue about any of the above (I'm not the cook in this house, remember :) but I love Thanksgiving too. I think b/c it still involves family but not as much hustle and bustle as Christmas. As for the recipe, nope, I don't have it. Sorry :(