If there ever comes a day when we can't be together keep me in your heart, I'll stay there forever. -- Winnie the Pooh

Daniel, Sherry, Jonathon, Jacob, Seth and Abigail

“If ever there is tomorrow when we're not together.. there is something you must always remember. you are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think. But the most important thing is, even if we're apart.. I'll always be with you.” Winnie the Pooh

Thursday, January 24, 2008


I was walking through Wal-mart the other day and there were 2 teens staring at me and I thought it was because they had never seen anyone so gorgeous..OUCH! I hit my head ROFL! Anyway, they ducked in to an aisle and I went on by and when passed acouple of aisles there they were staring again and ducked in behind me and I thought nothing of it. Then all of a sudden I had the strangest feeling in my gut and my hair stood up on the back of my neck. When I turned around they were standing each one by my elbows and I just looked them in the eye with my don't you dare look and pulled my purse upon my shoulder (it had been on the crook of my elbow) and turned around. Now, I know some of you will think I am overreacting and others think I never overreact but that feeling was VERY real!


tacomom said...

ooooh, freaky!!

Michelle said...

That IS freaky. At first I was thinking they were one of those "spys" hired by the store to watch people for shop-lifting. They are quite funny to watch if you know who they are. I only know because I know a gal who at least used to be one. But, they don't stand beside you like that. That is too creepy!

Janiece said...

It's probably because they haven't seen such a gorgeous, rich lady in so long, they thought they had better take a closer look, HA!

Sheila said...

Several years ago--at our original Walmart (you know it's been a while), I was looking at silk flowers near the fabric counter. It was close to Christmas & the store was packed. I had my purse sitting in the cart, thinking I was watching it. I bent over to look at some flowers on the bottom of the display and when I stood up--my cart & purse were gone! I panicked & immediately got VERY loud, saying "someone just stole my purse!". A clerk came right over & a security guard was right behind. Long story short...they had me go to the front of the store to watch for my purse, but found it still sitting in the cart in the opposite corner of the store. I almost lost quite a bit of cash, several credit cards & my car & house keys! I learned a lesson right then--NEVER leave you purse unattended no matter where you are. I see lots of ladies in the grocery store who will leave their carts parked while they check out the produce. Sometimes I tell them of my experience & sometimes I just cringe, step back & watch their purse for them!

Sounds like those kids were up to no good. Isn't if funny how sometimes we just have this instinct that something isn't right?

Sheila...Mrs. Careful in Walmart & other places!

Sherry said...

I thank God for instinct and Janiece I was wondering DID YOU HIT YOUR HEAD SOMEWHERE?