If there ever comes a day when we can't be together keep me in your heart, I'll stay there forever. -- Winnie the Pooh

Daniel, Sherry, Jonathon, Jacob, Seth and Abigail

“If ever there is tomorrow when we're not together.. there is something you must always remember. you are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think. But the most important thing is, even if we're apart.. I'll always be with you.” Winnie the Pooh

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

is it just me???

have you ever had one of those people that just grate on you? I know one lady that does that so easily! She just annoys the time out of me and I feel so bad because she thinks I am so sweet and wonderful---no kidding she has said this! I told my aunt I feel like a hypocrit! one reason she bugs me she made disparaging remarks about my moms cooking when she lived here and my mom is a great cook she just doesn't use artichoke hearts and that sort of thing like this lady! She also told my mom that she would take her out to eat but she didn't want to contribute to her weight problem. That really made me mad! She loves my mom (or so she says) and says she is a woman of great faith and stuff like that she told the whole church that when she calls mom she can just pour her heart out and mom is so sweet and such a good listener. I suppose I should be thankful that she likes her I would hate to see what she'd say if she didn't! Pray for me so I can learn to like her! It is not just the issues about mom that drives me nuts with her she is just.....ODD!

1 comment:

Speedcat Hollydale said...

Oh yes ... I SOOO know what you mean. There are people at work that are just down right awful. They lie to me and steal from me - it is very hard to forgive them. I guess a prayer is the only solution. Sometimes as humans in this world, we need to just accept that we are in need of guidance. We all fall short of the glory of God. Very true.