If there ever comes a day when we can't be together keep me in your heart, I'll stay there forever. -- Winnie the Pooh

Daniel, Sherry, Jonathon, Jacob, Seth and Abigail

“If ever there is tomorrow when we're not together.. there is something you must always remember. you are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think. But the most important thing is, even if we're apart.. I'll always be with you.” Winnie the Pooh

Monday, November 5, 2007


I answered the phone the other night and it was my mom...the conversation went something like this.................I didn't hear the mailman knock and when I opened my door there was a box and I opened it up and my things had come and they are so nice, they turned out so well, I am so pleased! I said, "huh" and she started to tell me again so I said, "no, I heard you I just don't what things you are talking about." It was her Cds that she had done~~~off of her story tapes! Now, some of you will be floating around the Holiness movement again! She mentioned Karen, Denise, Nicole and Chasity as well as a few others. With the wonderful world of computers you are now in front of a river instead of the big tree. I am so excited for her to get these. She has had a few requests for them. If any of you are interested in them send an email to my gmail with your phone # and I will get it to her so she can call you.


tacomom said...

Yay! My warbly tapes can be retired :) You know my number!

Janiece said...

YEAH!!! I will send you my email so I can get one! I just found my tape at Mom & Dad's this summer and have played it over and over. It is REALLY worn, so I will be happy to retire it : )